Paleo Lemon Bars

I had bloggers block this week. That doesn’t happen too often, but I just couldn’t figure out what I wanted to make for all of you lovely people. So I asked my assistant, my 6 year old, for her input and she immediately said, “How about lemon bars?”. Well that sounded absolutely perfect to me!

Paleo Lemon Bars

I looove lemon bars and this recipe is amazing. In fact I am eating one as I write this 🙂  They are actually quite easy to make and perfect dessert for spring! YAY for spring!

Paleo Lemon Bars

Recipe from Texanerin Baking

Ingredients & Directions

13 thoughts on “Paleo Lemon Bars

  1. I think there’s a typo in the additional toppings list. I think you meant Coconut Sugar for paleo not Coconut Flour.

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