Fresh Homemade Salsa

Tomatoes, tomatoes, and more tomatoes… What in the world am I going to do with all of these tomatoes? We do this every spring, we plants so many tomato plants and then they all come in at once.

I hate to waste anything so I am finally taking the time this summer to make my own salsa and sauce.

Fresh Homemade Salsa

Well let me tell you this salsa is amazing and bursting with summer freshness.

Fresh Homemade Salsa

Not to toot my own horn, but my husband thought it was the “best salsa he ever had”. He even made that his Facebook status, so it must be true 🙂

Fresh Homemade Salsa

Anyway back to the salsa. You can make it as chunky or as smooth as you want. I pulse mine in the food processor for a smoother texture. You can also adjust the heat by adding more or less jalapeño.

More Great Recipes Including Tomatoes

Parmesan Pesto Roasted Tomatoes

Parmesan Pesto Roasted Tomatoes

Roasted Tomato Bisque

Roasted Tomato Bisque

Homemade Roasted Tomato Sauce

Homemade Roasted Tomato Sauce

77 thoughts on “Fresh Homemade Salsa

      1. We usually can our salsa but we always cook everything first so that was why I was asking in this one. It looks yummy so I wanted to try but I hate all the cooking it first!!

        1. I agree! Every year I say I am going to make sauce and can it… And then I see how long I have to cook everything and I never make the time.

          1. I have never canned it. If the salsa is canned and sealed shut. I would use it within a year.

          2. I can lots of salsa every season. Not going to say it isn’t a lot of work. It is a labor of love. Make a big batch, no preservatives in it. You can eat it all winter long. I add black beans and corn to mine, it is lunch in a jar. It last 1 year after canning, but you will eat it up before a year goes by.

    1. I have not tried. I want to say yes since I freeze tomato sauce. If you do freeze it, let me know how it turns out 🙂

      1. I’ve tried freezing salsa. It didn’t freeze well for me. It was okay for cooking but not to have with chips. Canned is much better for Salsa..

  1. Wow, this was so fresh tasting and amazing! I used only 1 lb of tomatoes so I cut everything in thirds. Still made a full pint size mason jar! So good!

  2. I used Roma tomatoes. 3 or 4 lbs of the little ones would have been too expensive 🙁 Really good but a little watery for my liking.. It was similar to (but still way better than) restaurant style salsa. Next time I’ll roast them first and throw half of the tomatoes and everything else in the food processor and pulse a few times before adding the rest of the tomatoes cause I want more chunky tomatoes in my salsa. I did decide to strain it and add a small can of tomato sauce to make up for the liquid and I was very happy with the result.

    1. I to use Roma tomatoes during the winter months. I agree those little can get expensive. We have a vegetable garden in the summer months and by July we are in tomato overload 🙂 Love the roasting idea!

    2. How do you roast tomatoes? I freeze mine whole if I get too many at once so I don’t end up throwing them out.

      1. Before you freeze your tomatoes , blanch to remove skins, then give them a good squeeze and you won’t have watery tomatoes coming out if freezer.

  3. Also, FYI… When I was trying to leave my comment.. A really annoying box kept coming up in front of the screen asking me to follow you. Not that I mind being asked that because I like your blog… But it made it where I couldn’t even type anything and I just went to my notes in iPhone and typed my comment that way and then copied and pasted it (I had to do the same thing for this comment too) . Just thought you should know cause I’m sure you don’t want your followers to have such difficulties giving feedback 🙂

  4. I made a batch of the salsa in my new food processor for a dinnerbparty my theme was mexican it went fast they loved it. Thanks for a grest recipe. Dina in houston texas.

  5. I’ve tried to make this salsa twice.. with the exact measurements ( which is usually hard for me to do) and I keep coming up with a rosy/peach color… it’s not the vibrant red in your picture. Any idea why?

      1. ahh makes sense.. It eventually settled down but was very bubbly.. I also just used cherry tomatoes straight from the container, rather than roughly chopping them. I feel that may play a part as well! Either way it is DELISH!

        1. .hallo, can you sterelise the salsa,or is there a other way to keep it for a lang time? taks from Belgium

  6. Could I use apple cider vinegar instead of red wine vinegar? I can’t have red wine vinegar, but this sounds so delicious!

  7. i just got a new food processor and have been looking for things to make in it. This looks so wonderful! I was hoping to find a good salsa recipe. Thanks!

  8. i stumbled across this and was drawn to the natural ingredients, but is so expensive to make, i usually make salsa with jarred tomatoes but i went to trader joes and got three pounds of tomatoes to make this, it just didn’t taste that great to be honest, it tasted very fresh but not really like salsa like i’m used to, and mine was also a pinker color

  9. I used fresh grape tomatoes, green small tomatoes and roma tomatoes from my garden and it was sooo good. Seriously addictive. I’m happy I found this, thank you. I made it twice in the last month now and Im ashamed to say I have ate 1-2 jars in one week. It makes almost 3 jars every time for me using 3 pounds.

    1. I made this recipe all with ingredients from our garden and it was great! I did hold off some of my chopped veggies to the side and after pulsating in the blender I added them afterward for the chunkiness, worked perfectly. I did notice it is still a bit runny so next time I think I may try and strain a few of the tomatoes first

  10. I used this recipe to make salsa for the first time. It turned out really good and my coworkers loved it as well. It made about 9 cups.

  11. We like a chopped texture for our salsa, with the liquid partially stained and saved to make a fresh salsa for immediate consumption. I use Roma style tomatoes as they are less watery than eating tomatoes. If they don’t come from my own garden, I get them from a local farm stand or farmers market, these are best quality,fresh and flavorful. Never use market tomatoes as they are expensive, bred for shipping, not flavor, and tend to disappoint when used In a project.Salsa is too much work to be disappointed with the result. I use cider vinegar including some extra plus lemon or lime. The only thing I back Down is the chili pepper I use one can mild chopped chiles because I am allergic to peppers, I can tolerate that much. My husband is perfectly happy to lace his bowl with what ever hot sauce or seasonings I have on the shelf. The reason I add extra vinegar and citrus is so I can can it in a boiling water bath canner. I find that canning the salsa this way results In taste, crunch and fresh looking appearance. Where pressure canning results in an overcooked spaghetti sauce look and taste. MikasMom

  12. I made this the other day and it was soooooo GOOD! Can’t wait to make more. Next time I will try lime juice. I made it with lemons and it was very delicious


  14. I love this recipe! It is my favorite! I have to admit I tweaked it a bit with a TBSP of Cumin. It gave it a smoky taste. I have also frozen the salsa. It is still really good, but I tend to drain off some of the liquid. It might be a bit less spicy, but overall it works very well! I freeze it in canning jars.

  15. Hey there. Thanks so much for this. I’m needing to move toward a salt free diet but we love Tex-Mex food! This sounds lovely. This way I can gage my own spices. I’m going to try this tomorrow. Cheers.

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